Saturday, 9 July 2011

Two and a half beards and the Hume

Today began like any other day on our journey back to the homeland they call the Sutherland Shire. It was quite chilly over night, a mild two degree morning awaited us. After a generous night collecting money at various Yass establishments we were all keen to hit the highway. Our 14th day had crept up on us quite quickly and with this being our shortest day of our journey (33.8km) we were very excited in the potential credit available.
     The wind chill and spits of rain here and there made for an uncomfortable morning but spirits remained high as every step got us closer to our goal. Today was the day “The Edge” left us to go back to work before returning next Wednesday. It was a anxious goodbye as Edge had been the glue that was holding the ship together. Fortunately we were able to group together after the loss and achieve a further 5km credit, leaving our total credit amount at 15km. The main highlight of today was running past the big electric wind turbines just outside of Goulburn. They used to be a distant figure but being able to reach them and take a few happy snaps was welcoming.


Early encouragement

 Another one of Edge's Edge cuts through Gunning.. We'll miss you xo
Generic sign snap #14

Art on a stick

Joel's worst injury; his seedy hand rash. Also a blister that was ripped by tape today

Time for a cheeky shower

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